Cycle track between Langbridge and Alverstone

Langbridge to Alverstone

This section begins on a narrow path between houses but quickly opens out onto a wide, tarmacked cycle path through linear woodland across the River Yar’s floodplain.

The start of the section at Langbridge.

The start of the section at Langbridge.

Route between Langbridge and Alverstone

Route between Langbridge and Alverstone.

Alverstone Weir

Alverstone Weir.

Alverstone Station in the early 20th century.

Alverstone Station in the early 20th century.

Alverstone Station nowadays.

Alverstone Station nowadays.

End of the section at Alverstone

End of the section at Alverstone.

Distance: 1.9km (1.2mi)

Time: 7 – 9 minutes

Elevation: mostly flat

Terrain: Well-surfaced, though look out for root damage on the track.